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Positive impact - Simple things you can do to positively impact yourself as well as others around you
Life is simple, so is working with others but simple is NOT always easy!
Culture, within groups or teams, forms whether we are aware of it or not - so if we want a positive culture we have to steer it in the right direction. Everyone within a team is responsible for the culture!
In this course we cover few simple ideas that individuals can use to have a more positive impact on themselves as well as others around them.
This is a fun interactive course that leaves people with tools they can start implementing right away.
Offer both an hour long lecture as well as three hour workshop
4-6 hour course and workshop
Everything DiSC Workplace® is a classroom training and personalized learning experience that can benefit every person in the organization— regardless of title or position—in building more effective relationships at work.
This application teaches participants to understand themselves and others while learning to appreciate different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace. With personalized insights and actionable strategies, participants learn how to adapt to the style of others, ultimately improving engagement, collaboration, and the overall quality of the workplace.
The Everything DiSC Workplace Profile focuses on:
• Discovering your DiSC® style
• Understanding the styles of others
• Building more effective relationships
• Exploring People-Reading
and Comparison Reports (optional)
The Profile
The Everything DiSC Workplace Profile provides participants with valuable insights that unlock engagement and inspire effective collaboration. In this personalized, 20-page profile, participants will explore the priorities that drive their behavior, learn what comes naturally and what might be challenging when interacting with others, and gain actionable strategies to strengthen their interpersonal interactions at all levels in the workplace. The profile may be used on its own or with the companion facilitation; sold separately
The Follow-Up Tools
Whether people want to dig deep into DiSC® research and theory or improve their working relationships through Comparison Reports, MyEverythingDiSC provides powerful, personalized tools and resources at no extra cost. Participants can:
• Access their DiSC profile anytime, with any device
• Compare their DiSC style with their colleagues and explore similarities and differences
• Learn more about how their DiSC style impacts workplace relationships and productivity
• Build better working relationships through effective communication tips
• Deepen their understanding of the theory and research behind Everything DiSC
• Create Customer Interaction Maps for improving sales relationships (Exclusive to Everything DiSC Sales)
Comparison Reports
Inspire effective collaboration with Comparison Reports. Any two participants can explore their similarities and differences, potential challenges in working together, and practical tips for improving their working relationship.
Team View
With no limit to the number of participants included, this report gives you an at-a-glance view of a group of participants and their individual Everything DiSC maps
Group Culture Report
Determine the group’s DiSC culture by exploring its advantages and disadvantages, impact on group members, and influence on decisionmaking and risk-taking. Sold separately.

Know thyself - Better understanding leads to better communication
This course is for those who want to improve their communication - a rank or status does not matter, anyone can get better when it comes to this topic. The course is based on some of the Everything DiSC ideas. Participants get to explore the differences between different communication styles, see the different motivators and stressors individuals share.
Participation is a big part of this course and participants do few different activities so that they walk away from the course with tools they can start implementing.
Building positive habits
It has been proven that individuals with positive habits are happier and usually become more successful in life. Good positive habits play a key role in building moral and job satisfaction.
This course covers our everyday habits, how we can recognise them and rewrite them if needed. Participants work both individually, to figure out their own habits and how they can set them up for improved success in life and work, and as a team to recognise the habits that are at play with in their organisation and discuss if they are positively or negatively impacting its success. If there is a negative impact participants work as a team to correct the habits.
The course is three hours long - but can also be performed as a hour long lecture where exercises are left out.